SNL: Season 36, Ep. 11

SNL w/Host, Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey was back for yet another go round as host for Saturday Night Live on NBC this week.  With Jim, you know what to expect…he’s so one dimensional that there’s never really any surprise to the characters he portrays.  Le’ts take a look at how this week’s episode turned out.

The show opened with a Message from the Mayor of NY, Michael Bloomberg (Fred Armisen).  The “great blizzard of 2010″was the topic of the Bloomberg address.  Now there were a couple parts that amused me somewhat.  They were making fun of how over exaggerated the “great blizzard” was and people that overreacted to it.  Questions like:  “Where does snow come from?”,  “Is it dangerous?”,  “Will it stay forever?”,  “How do I get show off my car?” and  “What happens if snow touches suede?”  As the skit drug on, it became apparent that New York city workers are lazy, inefficient folks as the whole skit revolved around this fact.  Maybe it’d be funnier if I actually lived IN New York.

Monologue:  Looking dapper in a navy suit with matching shirt, Jim Carrey bounded on to the stage.  He started off normally, asking the audience, “Who thinks 2011 will be the best year EVER?”  “Who though 2010 was total crap?  Wouldn’t wanna go through that again!”  AMEN! “Tonight, I’m seeing the beauty in everything….” making reference to “2 perfect breasts” and the camera pans to a heavy man in the audience that he was speaking of.  Hahaha.  Then out of nowhere he goes in to the audience & asks a random audience member (Mindy) to marry him and seize the moment.  HAHA!  She’s already married.  Leaves with Bob, the fat guy with a great rack.  Alrighty then.  And such was the end of the monologue.  *yawn*

Black Swan parody: Nasim Pedrad as Natalie Portman’s character.  And Jim Carey as the “sensual” black swan character.  First of all, this skit would be even MORE stupid if you have not seen the movie “Black Swan”.  I say that as someone who has seen it….this was just plain dumb. Jim Carrey came leaping out in a black leotard & tutu sporting Buffalo wing tattoos on back.  If you think it already sounds like something you don’t need to see, I’ll do you a favor and stop recapping this one right here.  This skit honestly reminded me of something you’d expect to have seen on In Living Color.

Kenan Thompson did his skit on Grady Wilson’s “Tantric & Tasty” dvd infomercial. Positions included the  Ben & Jerry’s.  “scoop it out…” , Mission Impossible and the Slumdog Millionaire.  Jim Carrey joined Grady as Lee Licious, the erotic shaman.  Long haired wig.  Lots of air and floor humping.  Didn’t make me laugh.

Finding Your Power:  how self empowerment can be achieved through healthy confrontation.  Andy, Jim, Jason Sudeikis & 1st yr cast member Vanessa Bayer participated.  This skit revolved around a talk show where a bunch of people that say that they were confrontational with the antagonists in their lives, but the surprising twist???  Hidden cameras revealed that they were all wishy washy, crying and pleading.  It got no more exciting than this, folks.  Really.

I knew that there had to be a skit that centered on Jim Carrey’s impersonation talents & that’s when they gave us this one.  It was probably one of the better skits, but only because he does some very good impersonations.  Carrey played a stand up comedian turned psychic medium.  Also in the skit were Nasim Pedrad, Jason Sudeikis and Vanessa Bayer.  Pedrad  & Sudeikis were a couple looking to reconnect with her dead father.  Instead of her father, the spirit of Jimmy Stewart came forward…really just a  chance for Jim to do his impression.   Also got to see impersonations of Billie Holiday, Alan Thicke….but wait!  He’s not dead.  However his Alan Thicke is dead on.  Miss Piggy, Kermit the Frog, Charles Bronson &  Sammy Davis Jr. also made appearances.  Through this whole skit, I have to say that I’ve never heard someone do an impersonation of Alan Thicke, or if I have it wasn’t a good one.  His was so on point, I felt like I was watching “Growing Pains”!!

A Taste of NY band:  Taking place in a Marriott hotel, the band looks like a bunch of homeless people.  Jim carrey, Fred Armisen & Kristen Wiig. Requests for “NY NY” and “On Broadway”  fall on deaf eyes as they play an original about junkies, stealing, etc….depressing.  The chorus did make me chuckle…Kristen Wiig too, because she almost broke character a couple of times.  That alone makes a skit funnier.  The chorus was simply, “We have a question for you.  Can we stay with you?  Pleeeeeease?”  🙂  lol

Amusement park ride:  Kenan Thompson & Kristen Wiig are a couple on amusement park ride gone creepy, only she doesn’t see it.  You’ll just have to watch it for yourself.  Beyond description & creeped me out.  Much in the same way “Chucky” freaked me out.  Come on, it was a stinkin’ DOLL that came to life and killed people!!!  What isn’t scary about that???

Weekend Update:  Seth was visited by the lone survivor of the 5000 red winged black birds that fell from the sky over Arkansas.  Andy Smaberg was dressed as Cameron the Red-Winged Blackbird.  He totally sounded like a cross between a country bumpkin and Mr. Garrison from South Park.  Samberg declared that from a bird’s perspective “it’s the sign of the Aflockalypse”  “Everett the Fish” also shows up with theories on the death of all the fish in the Arkansas River….”it’s a sign of the Apocafish!”  They then question if the bird & fish deaths are due to Oprah’s show ending, claiming that it could be  “the Oprahcolypse”   My personal favorite from Weekend Update this week?  “According to new research, senior citizens that walk faster will live longer.”  Oh!  That reminds me!  I have to call my parents.

Finally, The Black Keys performed as musical guests.  I’d never heard of them & I’m not moved.  At all.  It doesn’t help that the drummer looks like he is the younger brother to Simon from Real Housewives of NY.

Call me crazy, but I am increasingly unimpressed by SNL as of late.  The writing is lazy & instead of being witty humor, they go from the easy write up, usually centering on sex.  I’m not a prude by any means, but there is a LOT of material that is funnier than what they’ve been shoveling on to our perverbial plates lately.  If this is the caliber of “entertainment” that they’re planning on giving us week after week, they might as well pull the plug and say last rites.

Are you fan of SNL?  Be sure to visit the Watch It! page for hulu links to watch episodes!

Wipeout!: Over the Big Balls to Nana’s House We Go

Best competition game show out there!!  Not only is it mindless, you get to revel in other’s pain as they get punched, flipped, flopped, drenched and put through the ringer!!!  Great fun!!

Pretty Little Liars: Season 1, Ep. 11

Recaps of this show will be coming soon!!!

Greek: Season 4, Ep. 1